URGENT! Freedomshire, in the Land of Possibilities, is Under Attack!

Thank goodness you followed me!
There's no time to waste. Here's the story...
Once upon a time, in a land you vaguely remember, a group of adventurersĀ built a land in the clouds:
The Land of Possibilities.
Although it was vast, you still had to believe it to see it. BillionsĀ believed. We shared our dreams. We created possibilities that had never before been imaginable.Ā
Soon, trolls crawled out from under the bridgeĀ that connected the Land of PossibilitiesĀ with the Land of Dreams. Not content with killing dreams, they soon began to kill possibilities!Ā
Freedomshire, the biggest shire in the Clockerfly Nation hills of the Land of Possibilities is being approached by the trolls.
Will you help us to defend Freedomshire?