You Are The Magic Formula

"Here's the secret to getting more leads"

"Here's the secret to closing more sales"

"Here's the secret to pulling in that hot lover"

No. There is no secret 'out there'. There are formulae. For instance, I have a blueprint on how to build a home business and pull in a team in Home Business Authority Blueprint, but unless you unlock your own personal magic, that step by step formula won't work for you. Neither will any other formula. 

The truth is that the secret is within you. YOU are the magic formula. 

I've had some amazing wins in business. For instance, I recently brought over 3,000 people into my downline in a home business in 90 days without paid traffic. Another time, I brought in 123 people in 36 hours. Again... without paid traffic. However, that kind of thing doesn't duplicate. And it can be frustrating to see other people doing similar things but not getting similar results. 

Then, I realised, they're not getting the results because they're blocked. 

I get blocked too. But my blocks tend to be temporary glitches. I bounce back and create absolute queen of 'clutch' saves at the last second when things go wrong. But most other people can't do that. Most other people stay down. 

When my ex-husband left me,  without warning and without giving me a reason, he left me without spousal maintenance, and he made sure that his divorce solicitor/lawyer pestered mine often enough for me to have bills of thousands of pounds (many more thousands in dollars) every month. I got nothing out of the divorce financially, but it was like a vacuum cleaner to my wealth. 

As I looked around online, I saw countless stories of women in similar situations who'd landed in hostels, or on friend's sofas, or moved back in with their parents. However, aside from the 2 weeks after he left, when I stayed with my parents until I could find a house to rent, I've been independent and self-employed ever since then. It's been about four years at this point. I haven't resorted to benefits/welfare and, though it's sometimes been a struggle, I've been living in a three bedroomed house in a good area, covering my business costs, and working from home in my PJs. If I had looked at the 'norm' and decided that was the blueprint for me given the circumstances, I would have been living in a hostel, on government assistance, and unable to work as I have hidden disabilities that prevent me holding down a standard job (my immune system randomly decides it's allergic to my muscles, for instance. Screaming in agony in a call centre is frowned upon, I believe.) 

So, what enabled me to work for myself over these four years, living in a great area, and creating the business of my dreams, while other women in the same situation would have crumbled?

  1. I ain't going out like that! When the sh** hits the fan, you need to summon your inner warrior. You know the one. That part of you that accepts no BS, whether it's yours or someone else's. This isn't how the story ends. Change the narrative.

  2. Get resourceful. What do you have access to that could help you? I had internet access and social media. Even though I was struggling financially, I pulled together the money to invest in Kajabi (which is what this website and my entire product store, assessments, communities, my email list, etc are built with). You can get a 14 day free trial from them directly, or you can go through me and get a 28-day free trial here. Use what you can, and do whatever you can to get the money to do what you must. 

  3. Be resilient. Following the advice in 1 and 2 gets you to this place, because you need fierce determination and resourcefulness to pull this off. If you can start off with the expectation of resilience, regardless of external factors, it helps. Resilience means that you never quit. You can quit on the path and choose a different path, but once you've chosen a destination that makes sense you never quit on that destination. Whatever is put in your path, you walk around it or through it or over it. Keep going. No matter how hard it is, you must keep going. Fall, get up, dust off your knees. Keep walking. Actually, last year I actually fell, dusted off my knees, and got blood poisoning. I don't recommend still walking in that situation. However, after smearing manuka honey all over the wounds, which miraculously got rid of the blood poisoning, I went deep into what the experience was meant to teach me. It unlocked a stack of things in my psyche that I needed to resolve. (N.B. DO NOT DO THIS. Get antibiotics from a doctor. I'm allergic to most antibiotics which is why I tried this first. Fortunately, it worked, but if it hadn't I'd have got the antibiotics). Metaphorically, though, keep on swimming. Whatever life throws at you, you must not quit.

  4. Develop your egon. EGO stands for Edging God Out. EGON stands for EVOLVING GOD'S OWN NATURE. This is where the Law of Attraction piece really kicks in. So many people are missing this one piece. No matter what other steps you take you will not be able to manifest miracles in your life unless you get your higher purpose and your personal will aligned. If you want to learn how to birth your own egon, I've written a book on the subject: The Birth of The Egon. I also did a live broadcast where I spoke to two multi-millionaires, and a kickass reality TV star who runs a highly successful beauty business, about the difference between egon and ego, and whether or not ego is the enemy. By the way, star of the movie The Secret, Joe Vitale is a fan of the book. Here's what he said:

Whatever your current struggles, remember these four tips. Remember that the magic formula you seek is already within you. Then act as though everything you desire is already in reach. Miracles happen every day. The first is that you wake up every morning. The next is that when the sun rose on this day, yesterday was gone and you had – and have – a brand new page on which to write your dreams. Get out there and live those dreams. 


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