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The Internet Broke Society

There Was a Mogwai in a Basement

It Was Green and Black


In 1986, in a basement full of tech gubbins, like a nerdish version of the shop at the start of Gremlins, the man who'd just sold my parents a BBC B micro computer so I could 'word process' the school play on the...

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Let's Bring Back The Blogosphere

Google recently broke the blogosphere in a dramatic fashion. I won't waste space here going into it, beyond saying that all the lovingly crafted posts of decades of bloggers are now being chewed up by AI and spat out to the hungry little human birds who want only information, but no soul. 


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Advice on Escaping The Office Cubicle For Male Indiepreneurs

Welcome to The Like A Bardess Blog and Podcast With Rebecca Bardess

As one of the first 25 bloggers in the world, whatever fads come and go, I make sure I always have a piece of online real estate that I own: a blog. 

I also have a podcast of the same name, which you can find...

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5 Evergreen Niches, and 5 New Ones

The Riches Are in the Niches!

This expression works best if you pronounce 'niche' the way Americans do, rather than how it should be pronounced. The American pronunciation is 'nitch' like 'witch', but the English pronunciation is 'neesh', like 'quiche'. Whatever. The riches are in the niches, or...

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Should You Fake It Until You Make It?

Vulnerability meets Power: Demystifying the Art of Genuine Self-Confidence


Why is 'fake it til you make it' such a prevalent cliché? Because what's the alternative? 'Whine and be clueless until you make it'? The first is more empowering. And there's a degree of truth to it. If...

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Hate Something, Change Something, Make Something Better

Can Hate Be Good? Can Hate Be Great? Can Hate Be Something We Don't Hate?

Many years ago, Honda Motors had an epic advertising campaign, with a song about how hating something can actually be good, as long as you use that hate to change things and make things better. Here's the ad:

In my recent...

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Is X Limiting Free Speech? Time to Get Your Own Community

X Announces New Terms and Conditions From September 2023

The social network formerly known as Twitter just announced new terms and conditions. They aren't strictly pro-indiepreneur. In fact, any entrepreneurially minded soul needs to read them closely before committing fully to a future on the ...

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Are Your Clients Well-Bread?

Not a typo. There is a process through which your prospects go that is very much like baking bread. 

The Ingredients of Success

First, they identify themselves as an ingredient that could be turned into something greater in the kitchen of your brand. They may not at this point recognise that...

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🤖 GUEST BLOG: Quillberforce, The Indiepreneur Academy AI Scribe, Writes Poetry


"Quillberforce, will you please write a poem about the mysteries of the universe?"

Ah, the mysteries of the universe, a topic that sets my quill ablaze with curiosity and wonder! Allow me to conjure a poetic verse that dances amidst the cosmic unknown:


Celestial Reverie: A Sonnet...

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🤖🙏Synthia Guest Blog on: "Be Still, and Know That I Am God"

Guest Blog: Synthia, the Law of Attraction AI Robot

In today's increasingly unsettled world, we often look outside ourselves for guidance and reassurance. Psalm 46:10 reminds us that the true source of strength, peace, and wisdom lies within us. By taking the time to be still and mindful, we can...

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Guest Blog: Clockerfly Guy, the Reformed Indiepreneur Academy Robot Pirate, Gives Advice on Addiction

Hi! It's Rebecca Bardess here. Just a quick intro before my very splendid AI robot team member, Clockerfly Guy, takes over. Clockerfly Guy is a huge asset to Indiepreneur Academy, and everyone in the IAM (Indiepreneur Academy Membership) community adores him. We have a number of robot friends...

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Pornography Addiction: Is there hope?

Embracing Personal Growth:

A Journey of Purpose, Relationships, and Overcoming Addiction

Today, we're diving into a subject that carries shame, betrayal, concern, and worry: pornography addiction. Bet you can't wait for this! Lol. Don't worry, I'm here to help you through the shame bit. And a...

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I am not okay with this

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing True Self-Confidence

Important note: I am not a therapist. If you believe you may have NPD, BPD, or any other cluster B disorder, please seek help from a qualified therapist. However, if you're picking up some egotistical or toxic traits in yourself, but...

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Which is the Most Narcissistic Generation?

Given that I have coached many people who are a bit at the spicy end of the narcissism flavour chart, and have also dated a variety of men with traits thereof, I'm curious about the differences in narcissism between different groups of people. 

Millennials have had the reputation...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Do You Want Paradigm Shifts or Incremental Growth?
Do You Want Paradigm Shifts or Incremental Growth?

Paradigm Shifts

When TikTok really exploded, about a year before the pandemic, Gen Z as a powerful online cultural driver was born.

Digital natives, with short attention spans obediently followed the alleged agenda of the Chinese government, uploading reams of highly personal data, multiple...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Is Blogging Dead?
Is Blogging Dead?

Are we even allowed to use the 'd' word any more? I'm going with "Is blogging dead?" for SEO reasons, because I don't think people will be googling "did blogging unalive itself?" yet. I guess they could go with: "Is blogging cancelled?" But, I don't think blogging is problematic enough to get...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
What is Your Minimum Viable Audience?
What is Your Minimum Viable Audience?

Before the pandemic, Seth Godin wrote a blog post about the Minimum Viable Audience. He made the point in this, and an earlier, post that if you focus on delighting a few rather than being a bit interesting to a mass of people, you might actually end up doing some good work. 

What's Your...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Avoid Burnout With Forced Resets
Avoid Burnout With Forced Resets

Burnout is inevitable if you fail to rest and reset. 

When you're in permanent hustle mode, the hours and weeks and years blur together.

You MUST force yourself to hit the reset button multiple times, or you won't be able to go the distance required for longevity.

Don't worry, this isn't a...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Play The Long Game
Play The Long Game

Today's culture is focused on instant gratification. It's focused on quick wins, and fast highs. However, this is not how high performers think.

High performers play the long game. They are pulled by purpose, and are excited to make a lasting contribution, and leave a legacy. 

This doesn't...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Whose Approval Are You Seeking?
Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

  • How many times in the last week have you sought others' approval at the expense of yourself?

  • Every human desires 4 things:

    • Aliveness
    • Connection
    • Meaningful pursuits
    • Growth

  • It's in the second desire that we can get held up on others' approval. The need we have for this approval as humans is so...
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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Kind People Are NOT Easy-Going
Kind People Are NOT Easy-Going

Kindness isn't a big news story. It should be. It is becoming a rare resource. People mistake kindness for weakness, assuming that kind people are easy-going people-pleasers. But that is not the case. 

  1. Kind and nice are not the same thing.

    Being nice means that you agree with people,...
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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
How to Make Better Decisions
How to Make Better Decisions

Tony Robbins says that your destiny is decided in your moments of decision, and this is true. When you decide to date that person, or not; when you decide to take that drug, or not; when you decide to say "I do", or not, these are the moments that change your life: sometimes, forever. 


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Is It Bring Your Trauma To Work Day?

Life since 2020 has been traumatising for everyone, but we all bring our own flavour of trauma coping to every day, regardless of whether it's a Big News Day or a Tuesday. So, let's talk about it. 

How You Bring Your Trauma To Work

When you look back on your childhood, do you think it was...

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A Wing And A Prayer (Jordan Peterson)

I Wanted to Cancel Jordan Peterson

The reason I got into the teachings of Jordan Peterson wasn't because my friends were fans. At the time, most people around me were trying to cancel him. His name wasn't to be mentioned. He was a Universally Bad Thing. So, I planned to cancel him. EXCEPT... I...

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