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How to Find Your Voice


Whether you want to be a novelist, blogger, copywriter, or just post kickass social media content, you need a voice. 

What Is A Voice?

Your voice is what differentiates you from every other person on the interwebs. It's the fact that you say 'interwebs'... or 'net'... or 'Internet'....

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How to Get Stick-to-it-iveness

Nine-tenths of the formula for success is persistence. The ability to stick things out.


Whatever skills you learn, and whatever qualifications you amass, you're lost without this. It is a fundamental principle to success in business or any creative endeavour. ...

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The Sky Is Not The Limit. The Sky Is Limitless
  1. Old expressions keep us trapped.
  2. What is the truth? The sky is limitless. How does this affect your dreams?
  3. What limits are you putting on yourself?
  4. How are they serving you?
  5. How can you overcome them, and should you?


Old expressions keep us trapped

People say the sky's the limit...

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The Rule Of Thirds: How to Stop People Pleasing

I found some notes from a FB live I watched a year or so ago. The headings that follow were inspired by it, but I have no idea whose broadcast it was, or what the content was aside from the heading ideas, so thank you whomever you are. 


A third of the people will love you no...

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The Realities of a Narcissist/Empath Relationship

There are two ways to handle life. The first is to compartmentalise everything. Work stays at work. Home stays at home. Logic and professionalism should never be polluted by emotion and creativity. That's our standard format in the Western world. It's also the standard format of patriarchy. It...

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The Secret to Success: Give it a Go. Then Keep Going

Yoda said: "Do or do not, there is no 'try'." I love that quote. I also don't believe it's as helpful as it could be. Yes, for some people, there's a breakthrough moment when they read it. They realise that sitting on the fence is hurting, and they must simply decide, one way or the other....

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Don't Die With Your Music Still In You

Wayne Dyer said these words. He's no longer with us, but when he left the planet his music was all here for us. 

Will yours be?

How many years, or months, or weeks, or even days are you wasting while you wait to commit to your actual purpose on this planet?

You're here for a reason. You...

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Is God A Cosmic Vegetable?

I had a dream last night. In the dream, my late brother appeared. I could hear laughter from a group of people nearby who were having a light-hearted conversation. It felt like a summer party where everyone knows everyone, and all are accepted. I'm an empath. I pick up subtexts and weird...

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You Are The Magic Formula

"Here's the secret to getting more leads"

"Here's the secret to closing more sales"

"Here's the secret to pulling in that hot lover"

No. There is no secret 'out there'. There are formulae. For instance, I have a blueprint on how to build a home business and pull in a team in Home Business...

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Why Are Millennials Failing At Life?

I recently saw a tweet that said that Millennials are failing at life. Bit harsh. And I don't agree. Millennials are failing at handling failure. This is happening because they haven't been taught to fail often and to see it as part of the process. However, there's more to the situation than just...

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Is Ego The Enemy?

Wow. This is polarising. 

OK. The hivemind for many years has moved in the direction of ego being the enemy. I'm a big fan of the stoics and Eckhart Tolle. I get it. But... then something happened...

A being with more ego than all the Kardashians combined became President of the United...

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Maybe You Don't Have What it Takes, and You Should Quit

They say that winners never quit and quitters never win. However, what if you've been trying to make money online for years and never had so much as a bite? Doesn't there come a point where you need to admit that being your own boss just isn't your thing? Maybe you're an employee, not an...

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Comfort Zone? You Mean 'Imagination Limitation'

When you are urged to work on your strengths and incrementally improve your areas of genius, it sounds as if it makes sense. You're not confident writing? Don't write. You want to avoid messing up on social media? Don't use social media for business. Hate prospecting calls? Don't call anyone....

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Are You an Alarm or the Dawn Chorus?

When there is something big to shout about, we shout. If there is imminent danger, we scream. If there's something good that turns up in our lives we turn up the volume and become the town crier. I recently found a new social network, for instance, and it rocked so hard that I became a total town...

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"The Hundreds": Ancient British Strategies for Online Marketing Domination

I basically live in Harry Potter world. The local town to me is well over a thousand years old, and despite having internet access, we still have a Town Crier who 'Oh-yays' important news in the High Street. Along with that is the ceremonial relic of an ancient system of justice and society, the...

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Freedom Friday - July: Power-Up Playbook, Clarity System, & Powerful Leadership Coaching Program FREE!

This month's Freedom Friday is a little different. For one thing, I didn't post about it on the blog on the first Friday of the month due in part to the fact that I got SWAMPED when I posted it on social media. Lol. However, I now have some spaces left to coach you peeps for free with this offer,...

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Yesterday's History. Tomorrow's a Mystery. Make Yourself Great Now!

I was thinking the other day, about the situation in America. I have many thoughts. Not a big fan of the current administration to be honest. That said, I'm not going to delve into all of that here. Instead, I want to talk about something I noticed about BOTH major parties. 


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This is Me!

I left you to your own devices for a month. Did you miss me? 

There are times in life when you need to put everything you have into building something that matters to you. That's what I've been doing, and everything else has needed to take a back seat while I've done it. 

I've been...

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How We Can All Work Together to Heal Toxic Masculinity

Thoughts and prayers alone aren't helping with the pandemic of violent attacks we've been seeing in the news lately. 

If only there was something we could all do to help shift the planet a little closer to peace.

I believe there is, and it starts with a conversation. That conversation could...

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I'm Bringing Bodacious Back... and it's COSMIC!

Wow. Sometimes, the timing on things just blows my mind. This'll be a woo-woo post, so if that's not your thang, skip it. However, if you're open-minded to other people's experiences, suspend disbelief for a few mins and let's chat. 

Bill and Ted Are Back!

First things first... OMG! Bill and...

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Freedom Friday: 10 Quick Mindset and Success Habit Hacks
  1. Honour the struggle: bring the joy
  2. Sleep for at least 7 hours a night
  3. Meditate
  4. Write and read affirmations
  5. Send yourself cards
  6. Understand that you are mind, body and spirit
  7. Drink enough water
  8. Work in 50 min chunks
  9. Read or listen to books every day
  10. Invest in your own success

If you're here on...

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Are You GDPR Compliant Yet? (URGENT Info If You Build Lists Or Sell Anything Online)

I'm scurrying away, getting all of this sorted at the moment, and you should be too. The deadline to get your online space legally compliant with the new rules is 25 May 2018.

Here's the dry info. If you're very left brain dominant, it might make sense. Have fun! 

Most of us don't have...

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Do You Really Want to Herd Me?

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Pet preference aside, whether you act more like a dog or cat is at least partially down to when you were born. 

Understanding this won't just help you to squeeze more value out of your marketing budget, and make more sales, it could also save you...

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You're Not Selling Info: You're Selling Presence.

 How I'm not charging for access to this is beyond me. This is basically a webinar, so grab some snacks and ban your kids/pups/clowns/unicorns from the room for an hour and take a bunch of notes. This is one of the best bits of training I've ever made available for free. I may not leave it...

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