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Heaven And Hell Are Here, Now.

Are You In Heaven Or Hell?

In 2017, I took four months to travel in contemplation of the idea that Heaven and Hell may be places we occupy while alive, and to find the missing pieces of my understanding of the energies of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. 

I cannot explain fully...

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Life Is Suffering ft. Jordan Peterson

Positive Vibes Only!

We've all seen Positive Vibes Only people. In some cases, it's that they've been through so much that they just cannot handle anything but positive vibes. If that's you, I'm sorry you've been through that. If you've done the work, and integrated your shadow self, do what...

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Be The Hero (Akira The Don Ft. Joe Rogan)


Over the next few months, I will share 'meaningwave' type music with you, and break down the meanings in these songs.

That means these blog posts will be article length, not the snappy little soundbite info that you scroll through daily.

For that reason, only people commited to growth...

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What is Money Twitter?

Money Twitter Definition

Money Twitter is a corner of Twitter where indiepreneurs (solo entrepreneurs, and others with an independent, entrepreneurial mindset) meet and trade. 

People often ask what Money Twitter is, so bookmark this or throw the link into your notes so you don't spend your...

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Lessons From George & The Dragon

Today is St George's Day in England. The legend of St George is fascinating, not least because George is presented as the epitome of Englishness, but wasn't actually English

However, I'd like to focus on the idea of dragons for this post. Not cute dragons like in Shrek, but scary dragons....

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Crucial Distinction: Urgent or Important?

The alarm goes off.

You reach for your phone. 

You switch off the alarm.

Best check twitter, or IG or FB or webtalk...

You see something trending, or a viral thread.


You get pulled into a hall of mirrors, showing you every possible reading of the news event or disagreement about...

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The Best Ways to Overcome the Stress of Being Lonely and Scared During The Coronavirus Lockdown

We're All In The Same Boat

While it's true that the quality of the cabins on the boat differ, with some running out of food and some containing abusers, for instance, we are all in the same boat. It's currently sinking, and it requires the work of all of us to make it sea-worthy again. No matter...

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The Spiritual Lessons of Coronavirus

“As I was walking with a friend through a beautiful nature reserve near Malibu in California, we came upon the ruins of what had been once a country house, destroyed by a fire several decades ago. As we approached the property, long overgrown with trees and all kinds of magnificent plants,...

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How To Prepare For Coronavirus Quarantine

How To Self-Isolate During The Coronavirus Epidemic

For a full step by step guide on how not only to prepare but also to make the most of self-isolation, I have made a resource called How To Be A Happy Hermit (opens in new window) based on what I did to get through self-isolation. This...

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Like A Bardess: The New Podcast by Rebecca Bardess

Finally, I've taken a step I've thought of taking for years. I'm now a podcaster. 

An age ago I was a podcaster on the Cinch FM network, and they gave me celebrity status there, but it went out of business and I didn't pick up the podcast thing again. However, I now have a podcast that's on...

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Why Everything You've Learned About Marketing Will Get You Cancelled On TikTok

Never before has a social network had a greater potential to win you fans AND destroy your business. The viral app, TikTok, has yet to 'age up' as a social network and is the most ageist network I've seen in terms of the userbase's insistence on icing out older people. However, if you're over 22,...

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What Is Webtalk? A Review of the New Social Network for Influencers and Marketers

In September last year, I was fortunate enough to be invited into Webtalk's invite-only beta. As someone who has beta tested for everyone from Twitter to Google, I'm used to seeing the insides of new social networks before launch. It has been a LONG time since I've been inside an invite-only...

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The Indiepreneur's Prayer

The Indiepreneur’s prayer

Divine Creator

Source of all I am and all I create

Bless all my interactions today

With others and with myself

Today I will do my best

For you

For others

And for myself

Always using my gifts

For the greatest good.

May prosperity flow to me

As prosperity flows from...

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The REAL Reason Writers Want Traditional Publishing Deals

I'm running a poll on Twitter at the moment. There are a few hours to go, but it's already pretty clear why people are still gagging for traditional publishing deals. It's always been this way. I'll post a vid below of my response to this mentality the best part of a decade ago. First, the poll....

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Should Writers Pursue Talent or Hype?

One from the vaults. The videos use my former name. I'm now Rebecca Bardess

Recently, I've stepped back into the author world on twitter, after focusing more on helping authors in the home and small business spaces over the last few years. I was quite shocked to find that very little has...

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That Time I Interviewed Christina Aguilera's Mum, Shelly Kearns

In My Dot Com Days, I Started a Blog

Back before blogging had a name, I asked my tech team to give me a way to hack into my sites remotely, so I could put cool stuff there regularly and keep the sites 'sticky'. Sticky marketing was what we called attraction marketing WAY before attraction...

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What Facebook and Instagram Fail Day Taught Us About Building Our Own Social Networks

Oh Noes! Facebook's Down! Instagram's Down!

A couple of days ago, both Facebook and Instagram disappeared for hours. Twitter and WebTalk became super buzzy and busy during that time. However, the discussion soon turned to what this means for your business if you're relying on social media to...

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How to Be Your Own Support System

You Need a Support System

There are no 'self-made' millionaires. There are no 'self-made' anything. We all get support from others. You're reading this thanks to the fact that we were all helped by Tim Berners-Lee when he gave us the web, for instance. However, day to day, you need a support...

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Does Your Coach Go This Far For You?

What Should A Coach Do For You?

Hiring a coach is a considered investment. It's not cheap, but if you hire a coach in an arena that could earn you money, any coach you hire should pay for themselves many times over if you follow their advice consistently. 

If you hire a 'Life Coach' or...

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What Being in a Coma Taught Me About Wholeminded Thinking

I'm a little weirdo. That's not an insult. I embrace my weirdness. Do you? I'm a freak. I'm a geek. I'm unique. Are you?

And They All Type In Little Boxes, And They All Look Just The Same...

What little boxes are you putting yourself into, and what are you typing into the little boxes online so...

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Money Motivation Makes You Poor. PURPOSE Makes You Rich. Here's The Science...

First, watch this video...

Weird right? But doesn't it make sense when you think of people who make a lot of money and then fall apart? Unless the financial reward is linked to the person's purpose, the carrot is just not exciting to the bunny. Makes sense. If you're a task rabbit, and you need...

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What if the People You Love Don't See Your Vision?

Why Naysayers Suck More Than Haters

Whenever you try to level up in life, you get naysayers and haters. It's completely inevitable. In fact, I have a little saying I trot out from time to time:

Haters are the litmus test of awesome

It's true. So are naysayers. The moment that you start to state...

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Treat People With Humanity... Even The 'Jerks'

You have your dream.

You draft out your strategy.

You get some tactics.

You blend some green stuff

Hashtag 'blessed'

And then you see the trending topics.

And all the motivational quotes fall letter by letter from your screen.

Hashtag 'thoughtsandprayers'
Hashtag 'guncontrol'
Hashtag 'terrorism'

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If You Wait Until You're Ready, You'll Never Grow

Growing involves, well, growing. Seems obvious, right? For many people, though, it is not. They believe they can stay comfortable and move forward when they 'are ready'. The thing is that you're never ready to grow because the stage you're at and the stage you seek are different stages. To move...

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