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You Are A BADASS At Making Money - Audiobook Review

Hey. So. How's it going? Relationship good? Nice. Well done. Feeling healthy too? Awesomesauce! Now... how's your wallet? Open it up. Any dust fall out? Ah. Yeah. Could be that you have a money mindset ish. No probs. Start from where you are and move forward, right? So today I'm going to give you...

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You Can't Be What You Can't See

“I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”

Charles Horton Cooley

When you find someone who inspires you, you need to observe them. Listen to them. Shadow them. Learn about the process. Experience the wisdom of someone who's...

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Let's Talk About... Gender ...

So, gender's a big issue right now, huh? Amirite? Yep, hold onto your hats. I'm going there.

First, the stuff I remember from sociology class back in the day.

  • Sex is the biological stuff you were born with. It's the physical definition that decides things like how you pee and your tolerance for...
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Are You Keeping it Real?

Don't keep it real. Let life move through you in dynamic ways. 

  • What could you focus on today?
  • What if your ego just stopped mattering for a day? 
  • What if you did something that makes you nervous because you're not strong there?
  • What if, for the next five minutes, you just sit in...
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Are You Passionate Enough?

How passionate are you? Do you just tiptoe around on the surface of life, or do you dive into the depths of the oceans of your passions? When you hear the word 'passion' what comes to mind? Sex? OK. Let's go there because, frankly, it's sad that for most people the only brush they have...

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Is Sport Going to Give You Dementia?

I'd planned to write something very different today, but when this news appeared in my FB feed, creating a link between TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and dementia, I knew it was important to blog about it.

This issue is important so let's get going...

Before I share my thoughts on this, I'm...

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Winner of Commenter of Note Contest

Before I announce the winner of the very first Indiepreneur Academy Commenter of Note Award I'd like to challenge you all. I'm doing a 14 day challenge, starting today, to complete a course I started a while back that features an exclusive interview I did with the legendary Brendon...

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Not Possible to Set a Better Challenge For Young People? Hold My Tide Pod...

Listen. The Tide Pod 'challenge' and various other challenges, ranging from dangerous foods to prophylactic snorting are quite clearly barking mad, but they're viral and mind viruses have a way of switching off logic. 

Couple of things about this...

Stop blaming Millennials for the...

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How To Escape From The Cubicle

When you came into this world, all shiny and new, and people proclaimed about the miracle of your creation, do you truly believe that your existence on this planet was destined to be living in a cage 9-5, hitting buttons for treats like a lab rat?

I don't think so. If you haven't watched Office...

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Is LeBron James Really Related to Shakespeare?

Listen, I'm not some great basketball expert but I'm a total word nerd, and I know poetry when I witness it. Whether it's on the page, on the stage or on a basketball court, when the scansion's on fleek and doesn't skip a beat, you've got to bear witness. 

So, here's the scoop on the...

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Pope Abolishes Hell. Marketing Department Freaks Out.


Everything has a marketing department. If you're a solopreneur, it's you. If you're the Catholic Church, it's The Vatican. Catholicism is the 'product' and the marketing department for that is The Vatican. It's kind of like 'Head Office' or 'Corporate'. Then, the churches are sort of like...

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Get Real! Automation Banned on Twitter. Time To Be HUMAN!

Automation has been a freaking godsend on Twitter over the years, but it's going away now. Recent political scandals involving data scraping and bots have thrown into sharp relief the extent to which misuse of automation can adversely affect culture. Given the drop in Facebook's value when...

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Honour The Struggle. Bring The Joy!

You are the only person on the face of the planet who doesn't have their shiz together. You know that's a lie, but isn't that something you tell yourself often? Be honest for a second. If anyone else put you down the way you put yourself down, would you ever speak to them again? Hell no! If...

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Reality Just Changed. Scientists Just Discovered You Have a New Organ. What Could YOU Discover?

You think you understand reality, but you don't. 

You're awake right now, as far as you know, and you're reading these words, and you understand how the world works. Do you? 

Your New Organs

Did you realise, for instance, that you have an organ in your body that is huge but that medical...

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Do You Have a 'To-Do' Life or a 'Ta-Da' Life?

Ever had a moment with your 'to-do' list where you realised that the little slacker was deliberately avoiding doing its job? 

I mean, isn't there a part of you that secretly thinks that the act of writing the things down alone should count for something? Isn't there a part of you that...

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Are Social Media And Personal Development Wrecking Our Mental Health?

At the time of writing this post, the Cambridge Analytica scandal is playing out. Millions of people's data has been misappropriated including, it would appear, private messages. If you are friends of friends with even one of the people in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania or a couple of other places...

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Are You A Trainer Or A Leader?

 You've heard the standard training, right? Focus on your strengths. Ignore the news. Positive thinking. Deliver value. Sound familiar? Not working though, is it? Be honest. Bet you're wondering why.

Why The Standard Advice Doesn't Work

Most people won't tell you this because they want to...

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Spring Will Soon Break Through... And So Can You!

Thaw Out Your Potential

In Britain right now, we are being hit by the so-called Beast From The East. It's basically some snow and wind, but we like to be dramatic whenever possible.

Small island. Good at marketing ourselves.

If we say our storm is bigger than anyone else's it will trend on...

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